Below are our packages for site sponsorship.
Package 1: $100 expires 31 Dec 2021. Your company name and banner will be at the top of whichever category you choose (first come, first serve).
You will also get your company name and banner listed on the
sponsorship page of our site. All of your company names and banners
will be hyperlinked to whatever link you would like.
Package 2: $250 expires 31 Dec 2023. Your company name and banner will be at the top of whichever category you choose (first come, first serve).
You will also get your company name and banner listed on the
sponsorship page of our site. All of your company names and banners
will be hyperlinked to whatever link you would like.
Package 3: $75 expires 31 Dec 2021. Your company name and banner will get listed on the sponsorship page of our site. Your company will not be
linked to any one category, just listed on the home page and
sponsorship area.